Friday, October 8, 2010

Training Phase 2

I have arrived safely, unpacked, decorated, located the grocery store, and started meeting people.

One of the rules is NO vehicles, so I am going to get a lot of walking in. The view is pretty spectacular at times.I am near a river, so everything around me is up hill both ways. This particular hill has become all too familiar.Today was the first day to attend class, and as you can see they really know how to crack the whip.
I don't even think they let us get out of our seats the entire time. Today we were reminded that we are a sprig of life in a dark city. Among having as many conversations and meeting as many people as possible, one of our assignments is to not kill the plant they gave us. When we can keep the plant alive, we get a pet. If the pet lives, then we get to make friends. Just kidding... Well, we do have to take care of this plant. I named mine Roughage, because it's gonna be rough at times.