Saturday, October 2, 2010

Think of me fondly, when we say goodbye

(Phantom of the Opera)

“If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.”

If I needed a theme song for now, that would be it. I have probably hugged more people this past couple of weeks than the past couple of years combined. There has been more meaning in those hugs than almost all the hugs I have received before. Yet in the sorrow of parting, there is a joy. Every time I start to tear up, I start to give thanks. How awesome is it that the One, who knows my heart, is also the Giver of good gifts!!! Never could I have dreamed to have such wonderful friends, yet he brought us together. It is difficult to be sad when all you want to do is find a way to express your appreciation for the people in your life who taught you something about true love. If he is love, and this is just a taste, how amazing and truly separated from this fallen world he must be!!!