Saturday, October 30, 2010


Autumn is descending on us slowly. The foliage is definitely coloring the streets and walk ways, and keeping many people busy raking and blowing natures confetti into piles. The funnest thing of all, are the snow topped mountains. It was rainy for three days. It didn't get below freezing nor was it too cold. When the clouds cleared away, the mountains were white, where green was before.

I couldn't get a clear view on this last one. The tallest bridge with cables is the skytrain bridge, the orange is for cars, and the grey one, close to the water, is for cargo trains. The river is the Fraser River.


This is the pumpkin display was at the mall. Aren't the giant pumpkins huge?! A lady I talked to there said that Halloween is one of the most celebrated holidays. I believe it. The Skytrain was full of people dressed in costumes Friday and Saturday. Most were a bit skimpy and I felt sorry for them, mainly because I had a coat on.

What is it?

This is a tree that is outside my balcony. It got my attention right away.
Later I found out that it is a Monkey Tail Tree. One home owner had a much smaller, Xmas trees sized one and had hung little stuffed monkeys in the tree. Sorry I didn't get a pic of it.
Driving should be the same as the US right? So what does this sign mean?I initially thought it was a house crossing, but it mean speed bumps. There is also another sign announcing speed bumps that is as equally confusing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scavanger hunt

This would be so much better if I were a photographer. I am just an accountant with a cheap digital from Walmart.
The fruit is definitely happier here.
The arms were added later and not part of the original carving.
Canada Place. Commonly named "the building that looks like sailboats" by the kind people giving us directions.
They probably don't say Jane Doe either.
Maybe I got on the wrong plane, but going through customs made it feel like I was in Canada.
Sign reads "4.99/lb." That's odd, everything else is sold by kg.
Olympic beacon. I thought it was gold tipped, but those are brass beacons for the fire. In other words, they can become flaming ice crystals.
Digital whale. I am thinking about making a replica out of Legos.
This is North Vancouver and a wandering Asian. You have to take the sea bus to get there. The sea bus is a little different than what I pictured in my head the first time I heard the name.
This was hanging from the ceiling of an office building. It was partly cloudy in Chile the day they made it.
I just love the variety of downtown.
Square building with a round roof.
This is the gassy clock. Ok, that isn't its real name, but the name does have gas in it.
It steams and plays music.
I really wanna go back and get this shirt.
Vancouver tour? It's lookin' a bit British to me.

Shannon Falls

We took a girls road trip to Squamish. That's a cool town name if you ask me.
Nature's water slide. The sharp pointy rocks at the bottom are just an added bonus!

Ahhh.... Nature. It makes me happy! :)
A living log cabin. A tight fit, but I think it would look lovely with just the right curtains.
Just think how big this leaf would be if it were from Texas.


Home sweet home for the next little while. Jealous? You should be!You can't see it from the city and you can barely see it in the pic, but there's the closest snow capped mountain.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How do pedestrians buy groceries?

The answer: Very carefully. It all must fit and there is no paying extra to get another cart like at the airport.How much fits into one little cart?That much! With these high prices I couldn't afford anymore, so I am better off with limited space

Friday, October 8, 2010

Training Phase 2

I have arrived safely, unpacked, decorated, located the grocery store, and started meeting people.

One of the rules is NO vehicles, so I am going to get a lot of walking in. The view is pretty spectacular at times.I am near a river, so everything around me is up hill both ways. This particular hill has become all too familiar.Today was the first day to attend class, and as you can see they really know how to crack the whip.
I don't even think they let us get out of our seats the entire time. Today we were reminded that we are a sprig of life in a dark city. Among having as many conversations and meeting as many people as possible, one of our assignments is to not kill the plant they gave us. When we can keep the plant alive, we get a pet. If the pet lives, then we get to make friends. Just kidding... Well, we do have to take care of this plant. I named mine Roughage, because it's gonna be rough at times.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Think of me fondly, when we say goodbye

(Phantom of the Opera)

“If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.”

If I needed a theme song for now, that would be it. I have probably hugged more people this past couple of weeks than the past couple of years combined. There has been more meaning in those hugs than almost all the hugs I have received before. Yet in the sorrow of parting, there is a joy. Every time I start to tear up, I start to give thanks. How awesome is it that the One, who knows my heart, is also the Giver of good gifts!!! Never could I have dreamed to have such wonderful friends, yet he brought us together. It is difficult to be sad when all you want to do is find a way to express your appreciation for the people in your life who taught you something about true love. If he is love, and this is just a taste, how amazing and truly separated from this fallen world he must be!!!